1. Call to Order – Jerald Jones, Chairman 2. Roll Call
Industrial Tax Exemption – Kristin Cheng/Hud Usie 2 NEW Post-EO (2018 Rules) Applications $538,862,072 in investments 0 new permanent jobs 2,044 construction jobs 3 Partial Contract Transfers
Approval of Minutes from November 13, 2020
Industrial Tax Exemption – Kristin Cheng/Hud Usie 2 NEW Post-EO (2018 Rules) Applications $538,862,072 in investments 0 new permanent jobs 2,044 construction jobs 3 Partial Contract Transfers
6. Secretary Remarks – Secretary Don Pierson 7. Adjourn
1. Call to Order – Jerald Jones, Chairman 2. Roll Call
Industrial Tax Exemption – Kristin Cheng/Hud Usie 2 NEW Post-EO (2018 Rules) Applications $538,862,072 in investments 0 new permanent jobs 2,044 construction jobs 3 Partial Contract Transfers
Approval of Minutes from November 13, 2020
Industrial Tax Exemption – Kristin Cheng/Hud Usie 2 NEW Post-EO (2018 Rules) Applications $538,862,072 in investments 0 new permanent jobs 2,044 construction jobs 3 Partial Contract Transfers
6. Secretary Remarks – Secretary Don Pierson 7. Adjourn